& the slipper still fits

Calendar PSDs

Lately I've been calendar crazy. I think that tends to happen in the New Year to a planner. I love lists, and I love marking things off, and inevitably that means writing too much on a calendar. And that can be even worse than not using a planner at all. Not to mention that without a planner, I forget what day it is more than the sun rises. So, I've developed a solution and I thought I would share it with you dear reader.

A full set of PSDs ready to use for every month of 2012 is now at your finger tips! I've kept them simple, with just a hint of color for major holidays. The weeks run Sunday to Saturday and are adjusted so they lay proportional to a widescreen resolution.  You'll be able to change the opacity, the size, and orientation to suit you. And just so you know: there are no "by" lines on Manhattan to Maine PSDs. Just think -- you can turn anything now into your own personal calendar: desktop, twitter background, iphone lock screen. For example, April will be a lovely Austen-like, calendar-filled month.

... ... ....Opps! Sorry! I got lost in the moment there. Anyway, download the lot as a .zip (and the April wallpaper) below.