Brush Set #001, December 2010 photoshop CS4 +
Inspired by the Harry Potter Founders, this first brush set for December 2010 features 28 brushes of various size larger than 800 pixels. Both actor images and stock photos were used. The brushes are more grungy and were created for use as masking tools or decorative decay accents.
Inspired by the Harry Potter Founders, this first brush set for December 2010 features 28 brushes of various size larger than 800 pixels. Both actor images and stock photos were used. The brushes are more grungy and were created for use as masking tools or decorative decay accents.
Why the Harry Potter Founders? Because I simply cannot get them out of my head (and it doesn't help that the 4 actors considered to be the OTP set are some of my absolute favorites). To learn more about why I would have a photoshop crush on these four, visit fyhogwartsfounders and fyeahmodernfounders. The graphics are always entertaining and inspiring.
But even if you don't like the Hogwarts Founders, or Henry Cavill, Katie McGrath, Billy Piper, and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers this brush set it for you. I made sure there were over 12+ abstract/decorative brushes to insight your interest. Enjoy!