& the slipper still fits


Tumblr gets ready for 2011 Could this possibly mean less fail screens?! AND not mass posting my queued photos?! That will be welcome.

BBC 1 unveils previews for new Upstairs-Downstairs

The Tempest gets closer to Theatres

Big bookstores nearing end of their shelf life? While I would love to see us move back to the small-town, family run, bookstores of yester-year, this article seriously unnerves me. Borders and Barnes and Noble are staples in my shopping life and book-buying mentality. We're coming into a whole new age of reading, readers and I'm not sure I'm ready for it.

Anything Period is doing a Christmas Week of Costume If you're not familiar with Tumblr, or anything period, its a micro blogger where I daily post photos of our favorite costume dramas. A week of costume is where I take a week and only post photos from a specific costume drama; normally week of costume is only a summer thing, but this Christmas it was time for our favorite heroes (and me) to give back a bit. Today: its the boys of Merlin, tomorrow: Col. Brandon.